SAE-20W40 1L Prido Classo Bike Engine Oil

Brand: Hamlai Industries Pvt Ltd

Product Specification:

Viscosity 20W40
Packaging Size Bottle of 1 Litre
Appearance Clear & Bright

Product Description:

HI Prido Classo 4 Stroke Motor Cycle Petrol Engine Oil (Blended Mineral Base) which meets SAE 20W40...

Product Specification:

Viscosity 20W40
Packaging Size Bottle of 1 Litre
Appearance Clear & Bright
Density @ 29.5 Degreec (TYP) 0.870
K.Viscosity @ 40 Degreec, cSt. 110 - 140 @ 40 Degreec
K.Viscosity @ 100 Degreec, cSt 12.50 - 14.50 @ 100 Degreec
Brand Hamlai
Pour Point -18 DegreeC (Max)
Viscosity Index 110 (Min)
Flash Point DegreeC 210 Degree (Min)
TBN 5.80 - 7.50
Colour By Gradner <3.0
Country of Origin Made in India

Product Description:

HI Prido Classo 4 Stroke Motor Cycle Petrol Engine Oil (Blended Mineral Base) which meets SAE 20W40 API SL, JASO MA2 specification and is specially formulated to provide excellent service stability. It has very good Antioxidant, Antirust Antiwear and Anticorrosion properties.


Specially Formulated Magnetic Engine Technology (MET) which provides unmatched fuel efficiency, lower oil consumption and superior film strength while lubricating the modern gearless Scooters with high power and temperatures of operation. The cutting-edge-technology using additive chemistry boosts the oil performance in rendering excellent engine cleanliness, high protection to the engine and transmission while ensuring a smooth clutch operation vital for rapid pick-up.

Suitable For:
Recommended for all high end new generation gearless Scooters. Change the oil as per manufacturers recommendation.

Company Description :

Seller Details

Hamlai Industries Pvt Ltd


Feature Company