Anand Automotive Pvt Ltd
Anand Automotive Limited
With 19 companies spread across 51 locations, Anand provides the widest range of automotive products and solutions to every major vehicle and engine manufacturer in the Indian Automotive Industry, making it the country’s leading OEM supplier. Through its 21 Global partnerships with technology leaders worldwide, Anand has provided the Indian Automotive industry with an impressive number of customized solutions suited to the local needs and environment. Anand also has a solid presence in the Indian Aftermarket covering over 800 distributors and 30000 retailers in the country, with some of its major brands like Gabriel and Purolator being Market Leaders.
Basic Information
Nature of Business
Company CEO
Deep singh Anand
Legal Status of Firm
Limited Company (Ltd./Pvt.Ltd.)
Annual Turnover
Rs. 100 - 500 Crore
Statutory Profile
About Us
Anand provides the widest range of solutions to the Indian Automotive Industry and is among the country’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of Automotive Systems and Components. Our customers include every major vehicle and engine manufacturer in India. The group is recognized for its long-standing global partnerships in automotive technology with world leaders across product categories and segments.
Our Core Values
Anand is defined by a value system which lies at the heart of and guides our work ethic. These core values govern our decision-making in every sphere of our work and social responsibilities. These robust foundations of beliefs and philosophies always have and will continue to define the way Anand does business.
Our Vision
Develop Corporate Competence to act globally
Aspire and dare to be innovative
Attain Leadership in technology
Achieve excellence through entrepreneurship
Bridge the gap between percept and practice
Our Philosophy
World Class Manufacturing
Quality, Zero defect
Superior Technology
Lowest Cost, No Scrap, JIT
Excellent housekeeping
People Orientation
Pride in belonging and participation
Appraisal, development, growth opportunities
Transparent and honest communication
Commitment and trust in people
Growth Ahead of Market
Among the Top Two
25% or more of market share
30% exports
Customer orientations
Return on Investment
At least 10% return on sales
Minimum inventory & zero wastage
Corporate planning & strategising
Quarterly reviews
Continuous Improvement
Diversification and acquisition
Encourage creativity
Decentralised management
Managing change
Our Group of Companies
Ansysco India
Behr India
CY Myutec India
Chang Yun India
Federal Mogul Bearings India
Faurecia India
Gabriel India
Haldex India
Henkel India
Mahle Filter Systems India
Mando India
Our Belief
Leverage our core strengths with those of our partners
Continue to be a premier player in the industry
Invest 2% of sales in Research and Development (R&D)
Devote 2% of sales to training and education
We believe business is 90% about people
Develop skills and promote people within
Infuse skill and experience when necessary for excellence and growth
Move people across functional and organisational lines
Involve people in setting goals and evaluating performance
Be market driven and competitively focused
Provide better value for money to customers
Improve relations with all our customers
Grow alongside our customers
Support continuous improvement of vendors
Develop mutually beneficial relationships with them
Corporate Organisation
Decentralise management to augment efficiency
Foster a strong team spirit
Encourage individual accountability and shared authority
Optimise performance through the Supervisory Board. Policy Committee and Management Committee
Draw upon the experience of senior advisors to inspire, motivate, guide and monitor management without diluting its authority and accountability.
Corporate Planning
Institute strategic planning
Be committed to plans at all levels