Omkar Hydraulics Pvt. Ltd

Omkar Hydraulics Pvt. Ltd

Steering Pump Steering Pump Main Clutch Pump Main Clutch Pump Hydraulic Pump Hydraulic Pump Transmission Pump Transmission Pump Manifold Block Manifold Block Omkar Hydraulics Pvt. Ltd. Omkar Hydraulics Pvt Ltd.,well experienced team to cater the needs of pumps specially for Earth Moving Equipments. These are developed as per the customer specification, mounting dimensions & quality. The pumps manufactured at ohpl are of OEM quality & one to one replacement on the equipments. Along with the above ohpl has also started manufacturing Pumps for Machine Tool Application ranging from 3 LPM to 11 LPM at 1000 rpm. Hydraulic Power Packs as per customer specification. Manifolds for the different applications including standard manifolds Bell Housings with the couplings of different capacities. Custom Built Gear Pumps for different applications ohpl has developed & proven for their performance. Ohpl has taken some new products to develop which will be released very soon. We are very much thankful to our customers & suppliers for their assistance in all regards.

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Omkar Hydraulics Pvt. Ltd 952, Khadarwadi Road, Udyambag Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, 590008

Guru Shantyya (Director)

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