Paramount Transmission Co.

Paramount Transmission Co.

Paramount Transmission Co. was established in 1974 as a manufacturer, exporter, wholesaler, dealer and distributor of Transmission Roller Chains, Roller Chain Sprockets, Conveyor Chains, Flexible Gear Couplings, Drag Chains, Metal Gears and many others. Years of exposure on the line have helped us develop expertise in meeting customized requirements of customers and solving their transmission problems. We Mr. Akshay V. Shah works under the able leadership and guidance of Mr. Under his leadership we have achieved a unique position in the area. Due to his communication skills and good management we have been able to create a strong environment in the company.

Get In Touch

Paramount Transmission Co. 11-13, BOTAWALA BODG. 3RD FLOOR, HORNIMAN CORCLE, FORT, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400023

Akshay V. Shah (Partner)

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