
Pooja Forge Ltd.

Pooja Forge Ltd.

Situated at Faridabad, Haryana (India), Pooja Produce Restricted was established by Mr. Jagdish Aggarwal as Amazing Clasp Pvt. Ltd. in the year 1977 to fabricate Self tapping and Machine Screws. The organization was named Pooja Fashion Pvt. Ltd. in 1987 and differentiated into the business creation of Cold Produced Accuracy High Ductile Clasp, like Screws, Fasteners, and Nuts. In 1994, the organization became Restricted however with closedly held shares. Today, Pooja Produce Restricted is a famous name in the business. The organization fabricates the broadest scope of accuracy low and high tractable latches of Carbon, Compound and Tempered Steels for different enterprises including Auto, Designing, Electric, Electronic and Development Ventures and so on. For Pooja Produce, the core of the business strategy is consumer loyalty and this arrangement has most certainly repaid as the company?s turnover has developed from US$ 0.8 million out of 1988-89 to US$ 15 millions out of 2003-04. In addition yearly business development of the organization with OEM?s has been over 30%. The organization has accomplished Confirmation for Coordinated Administration Framework covering ISO/TS 16949:2002, ISO 14001:1996 and OHSAS 18001:1999. It accepts that quality ought to be in the top of each and every specialist, be it on the shop floor, in the board room or elsewhere. This mentality of considering quality as a hallowed contribution causes Pooja Produce to rise above benchmarks and principles. Company?s in-house testing lab has the capacity and capability to perform explicit tests, assessments and alignments. To keep its representatives side by side with the new innovation, to prompt new Item Acknowledgment strategies and to upgrade and improve their true capacity, Pooja Produce lays extraordinary accentuation on in-house preparing at various levels. The organization involves most recent in computer aided design innovation to configuration manufacturing bites the dust and apparatuses meeting clients' designing details in the final results.

Get In Touch

Pooja Forge Ltd. 14/4, Mathura Road, Faridabad, Haryana, India, 121003

Kailash Moudgil (Marketing Director)

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