Incorporated in the year?2006, at?Faridabad, (Haryana, India), we, ?Punny Enterprises?, are engaged in?manufacturing?and?supplying?of?Precision?and?Sheet Metal Components, Dies,?etc. Our products find wide application in various industrial sectors. Developed by skilled engineers & technicians, our products cater to the demands of industries like heavy duty and mechanical. The offered range is...Read more
We are actively engaged in manufacturing and supplying qualitative range of Side Stand Two Wheeler that is widely used in two wheeler vehicles. Our
View DetailsWith rich industry experience, we are counted as the leading manufacturer and supplier of a vast gamut of Four Wheeler Components that find wide
View DetailsPunny Enterprises FCA-120, Block-C, S.G.M.Nagar N.I.TFaridabad Faridabad, Haryana, India, 121001
Jagsir Singh (OWNER)