Established in 1993 at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, "Rajendra Pulley Pedestal Centre" is reputed manufacturer and supplier of Gearbox Unit, Conveyor Gearbox, Gearbox Worm Reduction Gears, Shaft Mounted Speed Reducers etc. The offered products are manufactured using high quality raw materials and latest technology in sync with the predefined quality standards. The raw materials we use in the...Read more
44" x 10 - SPC Tapper Lock Pulley
View Details28" x 24 - E Rolling Mill Pulley
View DetailsRajendra Pully Pedestal Centre 108,109, NR.SBI, MALAV ESTATE, NEAR SBI, OPP. NAGARWEL ESTATE,AMRAIWADI No. 108, 109, Malav Estate, Near S.B.I., Nagarvel Hanuman Road, Rakhial Rakhial, Gujarat, India, 380023
Nikunj Panchal (Proprietor)