Shriram Automotive Products Limited
Shriram Auto Items Ltd. Is a partner of the Shriram Gathering of Organizations. The Gathering's steady undertaking for greatness towards consumer loyalty has made it a brand chief in each item, which is produced and promoted by it, for example, Fuel Infusion Hardware, Cylinders, Cylinder Rings, Motor Valves, Light Business Vehicles, Climate control systems, Water Coolers, and so on with an extremely enormous scope of unfamiliar affiliations of global notoriety.
Chamber LINERS
Shriram Auto has been occupied with advertising Chamber Liners and Air Cooled Blocks under the USHA and SHRIRAM PULSAR brand name. It is the main Chamber Liner organization in India with a public organization and picture, the items being promoted through an organization of more than 5000 Merchants, Vendors and Motor Re-building Studios.
Chamber Liners and Air Cooled Blocks presented by Shriram Auto are made utilizing Radial projecting cycle and Shell shaping. Acceptance heaters are utilized for softening and holding material and different amalgam mixes including Molybdenium, Nickel, Copper, and so on are utilized for an ideal metallurgy.