Product Description:
All moving parts are located inside the duct geometry. This eliminates gas leakage to...Product Description:
All moving parts are located inside the duct geometry. This eliminates gas leakage to atmosphere.
Flap dampers weigh less than the louver damper thus reducing duct load. Unlike guillotine dampers, they do not induce wind loads into the duct system.
All internals are continuously heated by the gas flow creating a negligible hot/cold interface. Thus, there is very little damage due to corrosion from dew point condensation.
Only the drive shaft extends out of the duct to allow easy external maintenance to drive bearing & the actuator system.
Unique metallic flexible sealing system that compensates for thermal growth, deflection under pressure & debris deposits from flue gas. 100 % isolation is achievable with seal air system.
Quick shut/open feature available on demand.
Since no large components extend outside the duct, flap damper can be installed in constricted areas, such as stacked duct system.