Company Description
:IUP Jindal Metals and Amalgams Ltd. is a main producer of Great Accuracy Treated Steel strips and Delicate Attractive Nickel Composites. It offers a wide decision of dainty and ultra meager virus moved strips. The exact properties of strips delivered, meet the most rigid necessities . The Precession Tempered Steel and Nickel Compounds fabricated are valuable in assembling of different items like material apparatus, tickers, watches and electrical types of gear.
IUP (Imphy Ugine Accuracy), the world forerunner in Accuracy Tempered Steel, has furnished the organization with Innovation notwithstanding the refined supplies, which are the only ones of their sort in India. Jindal Saw Ltd. on its part has combined its Swastik Foils Division in the organization. IUP Jindal benefits from Consistent Specialized and Promoting support from Arcelor Impeccable.
Arranged in Bahadurgarh (Haryana), close to Delhi, IUP Jindal benefits from the admittance to the Jindal Gathering's specialized, fabricating and calculated assets.
Notwithstanding the items made, the organization additionally gives items like Controlled development Nickel composites straightforwardly from IUP, France to guarantee the problem free accessibility of excellent items to its clients. The organization goes about as an obtaining center point of Arcelor for this large number of items in this piece of the Globe.
IUP Jindal is the main specialist in India, of IUP France, for selling their scope of combinations.
The Beginning
Arcelor Gathering, the worldwide forerunners in steel Industry, have distinguished India as really important region for development. As a piece of this drive, Arcelor Pure Global (through their auxiliary Imphy Ugine Accuracy) has restricted with Jindal Association (Over powered Jindal bunch) to make accessible elite items produced in India.
Jindal Association (the Over powered Jindal Aggregate) has 30 years of history of strength, trust and development. From mining of iron metal to assembling esteem added steel items, Jindal Association has pre-prominent situation in Level Steel portion in India. It is likewise the undisputed forerunner in the Indian Hardened Steel industry. Jindal Saw Restricted, an organization of the Jindal Association, was the initial (1980) to fabricate Accuracy Tempered Steel in India, through its Swastik Foil Division. is the forerunner in Indian Treated steel industry.
IUP Jindal has been shaped in 2004, because of Joint Endeavor between Jindal Saw Ltd. (Swastik Foils Division) and Imphy Ugine Accuracy ( A Division of ? 30 billion Arcelor Gathering ).
- Year of Establishment :
- GST No. : 06AABCI2731E1Z3
- Address :
Dehkora Road, Vill. Rohad, Bahadurgarh, Delhi-110015, India