Mechanical Variable Speed Drive Gearbox

Brand: Elmrad Engineering Co.Pvt. Ltd

Product Description:

In order to become one of the favoured choices of our customers, we are presenting an unmatched...
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Product Description:

In order to become one of the favoured choices of our customers, we are presenting an unmatched array of Mechanical Variable Speed Drives to our customers. Checked and re-checked on numerous stages of production, these offered products are planned and progressive in tune with the market set norms and superiority guidelines. Our offered product can buy an appreciated customer at rock bottom rates on time.


Exceptional finish
Dimensionally accurate

Product Mechanical Variable Speed Drive Gearboc (P.I.V.)

Range Min 0.5 H.P. To Max 30 H.P.
Output R.P.M. Min 212 To Max 2560 / Min 212 To Max 1500
Control EC1, EC2, 1" Extended both side, Ec3 Electrical Control (Compitable with PLC)
Position Horizontal, Vertical
Input Shaft Solid / Hollow suitable to Motor Flange B5 Type
Output Shaft Solid

Company Description :

Established in the year 1973, we are a renowned manufacturer and supplier of various machinery and parts used in various industries. Our product range includes double worm gearboxes, worm gearboxes, industrial worm gearboxes, worm gearboxes, gear spare parts, variable worm gear motors, variable worm gear motors, gear motors, rotary evaporators, vibratory equipment and variable drives. Based in Vadodara, Gujarat, we have established a strong foundation through Elite Solutions for Power Transmission. Supported by our manufacturing units, we also have state-of-the-art in-line assembly with load testing facilities for transmissions and gearboxes. Mr. Taking leaps and bounds under the guidance of Jai Shah, we have established our presence as a trusted name in the global industry.
  • Year of Establishment : 1973
  • GST No. : 24ADLPR3225Q1Z1

Seller Details

Elmrad Corporation



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