Oil Rigs

Brand: Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited

Product Description:

BHEL started manufacturing oil field equipment in collaboration with M/s US Steel Engineers and...
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Product Description:

BHEL started manufacturing oil field equipment in collaboration with M/s US Steel Engineers and Consultants USA (National Oil Well), M/s Skytop Brewster USA, M/s Branham Industries USA, M/s IRI International, USA. After successful absorption of technology, BHEL now has the capability to manufacture conventional deep drilling rigs up to a depth of 9000 meters, mobile rigs to a depth of 3000 meters and well servicing rigs to a well depth of 6100 meters. BHEL is authorized by the American Petroleum Institute (API) for manufacturing products under specification API 4F, API 7K and API 8A. BHEL also undertakes refurbishment, upgradation and renovation of the existing rigs with the customers to provide better flexibility of operation for faster drilling, and higher availability of rigs. BHEL, since the first order for oil rigs in 1977, has manufactured and supplied 84 nos. drilling and well servicing rigs to both M/s ONGC Ltd. and M/s Oil India Ltd., that are deployed for drilling and well servicing operations. In addition BHEL has upgraded 3 nos. rigs by installing Independent Rotary Drive system.
BHEL offers services for refurbishment and modernization of the rigs and rig equipment of both BHEL make and also others. This includes

Company Description :

Laid out during the fifties, Bharat Weighty Electricals Restricted BHEL, has today arisen as the biggest designing and assembling undertaking of its sort in India and positions among the main ten power age hardware makers on the planet. BHEL has differentiated its item base throughout the long term and today takes care of the necessities of practically every one of the vital areas of the economy. Notwithstanding the power age hardware , BHEL items take special care of a wide range of clients incorporating different fields of activity, similar to Composts &Petrochemicals,Refineries,Oil Investigation and production,steel and metals,cement ,sugar and paper plants, transportation and non-regular energy sources and so forth. With a huge organization of 14 assembling Units situated at different significant focuses all overIndia ,BHEL fabricates practically all basic high innovation items expected for power area like Gas Turbines,Steam Turbines,Turbogenerators, Boilers, Siphons and Intensity exchangers,Pulverisers and electrical change gears. With srategic unions and mechanical joint efforts with world pioneers for its items, BHEL'stechnological strenth is today comparable to the best on the planet.
  • Year of Establishment : 1963
  • GST No. : 36AAACB4146P1ZG
  • Address : 15/83,Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited,BHEL Main road,Ramachandrapuram,Telangana,502032 Ramachandrapuram, Medak-502032, Telangana, India

Seller Details

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited



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