Product Description:
We are a Manufacturer, Supplier, and Exporter ofnlternator Stators, operating from lndia....Product Description:
We are a Manufacturer, Supplier, and Exporter ofnlternator Stators, operating from lndia. Alternator Stators reside inthe verv center ofthe torque converter. Alternator Stators redirect the uid returning from the turbine before it hits the pump again. This dramaticallv increases the eiciencv ofthe torque converter. Alternator Stators have a verv aggressive blade design that almost completelv reverses the direction of the uid. A one-wav clutch (inside the stator) connects the statorto a xed shaft in the transmission (the direction that the clutch allows the stator to spin is noted in the gure above). Because ofthis arrangement, the stator cannot spin with the uid; it can spin onlv in the opposite direction, forcing the uid to change direction as it hits the statorblades. Something a little bit trickv happens when the car gets moving. There is a point, around 40 mph (64 kph); at which both the pump and the turbine are spinning at almost the same speed (the pump alwavs spins slightlv faster). At this point, the uid returns from the turbine, entering the pump alreadv moving in the same direction as the pump, so the stator is not needed.
Even though the turbine changes the direction of the uid and ings it out the back, the uid still ends up moving in the
direction thatthe turbine is spinning because theturbine is spinning faster in one direction than the uid is being pumped in the other direction. lf vou were standing in the back ofa pickup moving at BU mph, and vou threw a ball out the back of that pickup at 40 mph, the ball would still be going fon-vard at 20 mph. This is similarto whathappens in the turbine:The uid is being ung outthe back in one direction, but not as fast as itwas going to startwithin the other direction.