Product Description:
At Sushma we understand that providing solutions for Automobile Performance Testingis one of the...Product Description:
At Sushma we understand that providing solutions for Automobile Performance Testing
is one of the most critical activities to ensure the SAFETY, PERFORMANCE and EFFICIENCY of
1) 2 or 3 wheelers
2) 4-wheelers
3) Buses,Trucks or Commercial Vehicles
4) Tractors or Farm Vehicles
5) Construction and Earth Moving Vehicles
Working with over 20 OEMs in the Auto Industry for over the last 30years, we have developed some
1) Standard Products
2) Customized Products as Solutions
Providing solutions for different functional areas or Environments in the industry like
1) Research & Development
2) Homogulation Testing and Validation
2) Quality Control
3) End of Line/Online Production
4) Service/After Sales
Click on the Image to see our Standard Line of Products or
Contact our Application Experts Today!
Sushma Industries Private Limited - Manufacturer of pressure sensor & other products in Bengaluru, Karnataka.