Blower Silencer

Brand: Flo-Dyne Controls (India) Pvt.Ltd.

Product Description:

Lobe type and multi-vane compressors generate high-energy noise levels at the fundamental and...
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Product Description:

Lobe type and multi-vane compressors generate high-energy noise levels at the fundamental and initial harmonic frequencies. With no absorptive pack, rugged construction and high quality materials, this multi-chamber design is tuned to handle these frequencies and is very effective in reducing tonal radiation from the pipe work connected to these machines.

Company Description :

Specialising in the design and supply customised solutions for industrial silencers, atmospheric vent silencers, liquid pulsation dampeners and surge tank and controls.
  • Year of Establishment : 1982
  • GST No. : 27AABCF2339M1ZH
  • Address : No. 709, Parmeshwari Centre, Dalmiya Estate, Mulund West

Seller Details

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Flo-Dyne Controls (India) Pvt.Ltd.



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