Ci Cylinder Liners

Brand: Ganesh auto industries

Product Description:

Being a trustworthy enterprise, we are manufacturing, exporting and supplying a comprehensive...

Product Description:

Being a trustworthy enterprise, we are manufacturing, exporting and supplying a comprehensive variety of CI Cylinder Liners.Features:Perfect finish Durability Rust resistance

Company Description :

Ganesh Auto Enterprises was laid out in 1997 by "Mr. Nitin Patel". Since the hours of it's foundation up to the current second Ganesh Auto Businesses has turned into a solid producer, and exporter in Worldwide market in the field of Chamber Liners, Valve Guides, Motor Valves, Chamber Sleeves, Air Cooled Blocks, and Cylinder Pins under our own assembling image name "Diesel Power" Since most recent 5 years, Ganesh Auto Businesses is sending out Chamber Liner and Sleeve of all sort of Motors and Vehicles and being acknowledged in the homegrown market as well as in Europe, Center East and African nations due to accomplish Worldwide standard quality and executing proficient showcasing and the board framework. Our specialized expertization pre-benefited machine and labor supply limits against set focuses on, The accessibility of every fundamental instrument and foundation to produce and keep up with quality standards have renders us for "An Or more" merchant class framework. By severe checking of requests and creating stock plans in material, we keep up with and conveyance plans for understanding to the necessities.

  • Year of Establishment : 1995
  • GST No. : 24AABFG9987H1ZZ
  • Address : Street No. 6, Mira Udyog, Plot No. 80, Aji Ring Road, GIDC,

Seller Details

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Ganesh Auto Industries



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