Double Container Locks

Brand: Bindra Motors Private Limited

Product Description:

Double Container Locks...
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Product Description:

Double Container Locks

Company Description :

Bindra Engines Pvt. Ltd., An ISO 9002 organization has crossed a tonq distance of time, traversing eighty years and it has disregarded a large number of progress. The underpinning of the organization was laid by Late Shri L. S. Bindra in 1921 at Lahore He began his profession as a shipper and used to import vehicle parts from organizations like General Engines Acknowledgment Corp. Stevens Walden Inc Thompson-Neaylon Assembling Co, Warner Stuff Organization, Gebr-Haeckel, Johns Manville Worldwide and ended up being one ofthe driving shippers of car parts in the country. Bindra Engines mixed business practice with rule while taking care of the necessities of its clients and it has hung on quick to these standards which it considers significant for successfulfunctionning of any business. The standards which have directed us in our endeavuor are as per the following: To source and market quality vehicle parts to the merchants and clients. To continuously attempt to redesign the items with the most recent innovation. Not exclusively to consider the client as a drawn out arm of the association however vital piece of our exchanging family. In the year 1960 the organization took up the distributorship of Mahindra Sintered Items Ltd.. Presently claimed by GKN-UK. It is producing the biggest reach whenever sintered hedges and parts on the planet. In the year 1965 the organization became wholesaler of Dr. Beck and Co. (India) Ltd., a forerunner in protecting stain and epoxy gums in India, presently a piece of ELANTAS bunch ofcompanies USA. The above items are effectively promoted by Bindra Engines in India and it has won shrubs a large number of years starting around 1960. In the year 2007 the organization began its Assembling Unit for Car Control Links under the tradename of AUTOHOM. These items fulfill the most elevated worldwide guideline and are by and large all around acknowledged in the homegrown and global market.
  • GST No. : 06AAACB1406G1ZD
  • Address : 1553, 1554, , Kashmere Gate

Seller Details

Bindra Motors private limited



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