Product Description:
The rectifier regulating equipment (RRU) along with alternators of 4.5 KW rating so far been used...Product Description:
The rectifier regulating equipment (RRU) along with alternators of 4.5 KW rating so far been used in conventional self generating coaches is based on magnetic amplifier with associated electronic control circuiting. The design of magnetic amplifier based (RRU) is having inherent limitations of voltage regulation.
The currently developed rectifier cum regulating equipment of 4.5kw rating (ERRU) is fully electronic type using state of the art technology and micro-controller, IGBT, etc having additional safety features viz. solid state over voltage protection, battery charging feature with current limit. A display can be retrieved in a simple plug in type data retrieval unit and the data can be transferred in a laptop or PC through USB port provided in the retrieval unit. No additional software is required when download is done in WINDOWS XP.
The universal voltage controller module (UVC) used in the 4.5kw ERRU can be used in ERRU of 25kw rating with alternators of 25kw rating where the operation parameters will be automatically selected