Product Specification:
Country of Origin | Made in India |
copper | braids |
tinned | bare |
Product Description:
15.Our highly flexible copper connectors are manufacturedby stacking several foils of...Product Specification:
Country of Origin | Made in India |
copper | braids |
tinned | bare |
for automotives | mcbs |
transformers | wiring harness |
round | flat |
Product Description:
15.Our highly flexible copper connectors are manufacturedby stacking several foils of highconductivity electrolyic grade copperof thickness 0.04mm and above andthen applying high current under highpressure. This is a special metaldiffusion process whereby the metalitself melts and forms homogenousbond without using any filler materialthus giving a very negligible, almost nilmillivolt drop across the connector,thereby reducing the temperature riseand increasing the current capacity ofthe connector. It is also possible todrill, saw, braze, mill & weld thecontact areas. These connectors areused as flexible expansion joints toprevent damages by vibrations ofmachine or switchgears and to takecare of thermal and dynamic stressescaused by short circuit current in thesystem. Flexible connectors arei n d i v i d u a l l y d e s i g n e d a n dmanufactured as per customer'srequirement and application. Contactsurface can also be electro tinned,nickel, silver or gold plated. Insulationas required can also be provided.
We manufacture air cooled connectors, braided copper tapes, round standard copper cables, earthing tapes & ropes,COPPER / ALUMINIUM / STAINLESS STEEL BRAIDED FLEXIBLE JUMPERS / CONNECTORS / BRAIDS