Multi Spindle Double Gear Head Boring Machine (SPM)

Brand: Machine Tools Corporation

Product Description:

Our company has acquired one of the topmost positions in the industry for manufacturing and...
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Product Description:

Our company has acquired one of the topmost positions in the industry for manufacturing and supplying high quality Multi Spindle Double Head Boring (SPM). Our products are assembled with high grade components and they are designed in such manner that they benefit out clients at maximum level. Very low maintenance is required by these machines and they serve our clients for longer period of time. Our products can be easily installed and operated by our clients and they are known for their accuracy and strength which give them special place in the market.


Easy installation
Smooth functioning
Accuracy in Ovality 5 to 10 Microns
Heat Treated Gears  
High Tensile induction Hardened Slide V-ways are also Available
All Screw including Lead Screw from alloy steel

Company Description :

Star machine Devices Company was begun in 1983. the Pioneer behind Star Machine Apparatus Organization is S. Niranjan Singh Matharoo. The credit of beginning goes to S. Niranjan SIngh Matharoo and Later on his children S. Amarjit Singh Matharoo and S. Tajinder Singh Matharoo held hands together to change over a fantasy into the real world. We are glad to present ourselves as a deeply grounded name in the producer and exporter of a broad scopes of machine machines. Over more than 25years we have advanced quickly and today are delivering a great many machines that incorporate Center machine, All Equipped Machine, Large Drag Machine, Solidify Bed Machine, Instrument Room Hardware, light obligation, substantial, additional uncompromising machines, creation machines and specific reason machines. With an expert methodology and moderate vision, we are going to accomplish a position. We present ourselves as an eminent makers and exporte ogf great Machine Beginning around 1983. Our wide industry experience and a group of devoted experts have helped us to estalish a solid market generosity and string client base that stretches out past the public limits. Star Machine Devices Company is situated in Ludhiana. Punjab (INDIA). We are prospering based on our unfaltering obligation to quality. The engaged business approach and information on our proprietor S. Niranjan Singh Matharoo has driven us to develop into an association that is trusted and regarded on the lookout for its items.
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  • Year of Establishment : 1983
  • GST No. : 03AAJFM6154G1ZE
  • Address : 2nd Street, Kalsi Nagar, Dholewal, GT Road, Ludhiana-141003, Punjab, India

Seller Details

Machine Tools Corporation



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