Product Description:
The slack adjuster assembly is mounted on the 'S' cam shaft and one end is connected to the push...Product Description:
The slack adjuster assembly is mounted on the 'S' cam shaft and one end is connected to the push rod of the brake chamber. When the brake pedal is pressed, the air is let into the brake chamber and pushes the push rod out. This in turn moves the slack adjuster assembly. As slack adjuster assembly is mounted on the 'S' cam shaft, the shaft rotates and forces the brake shoes away from another and presses against the brake drum & the brake is applied.Thus the basic function of this product is to convert the linear motion into the rotary motion of S cam.When the gap between the brake drum and the brake lining is increased due to the brake lining wear; the slack adjuster assembly hexagon (adjusting nut) is rotated manually so as to rotate the ‘S’ cam and adjust the gap between brake drum and the lining.